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A multi-perspective debate on the future of the Polish energy sector

The PowerConnect Energy Summit conference will become a platform for debate on key aspects of the energy security of Poland and the Baltic Sea region, the main directions of the EU climate policy and their impact on European industry.

The participants of the discussion will be experts and specialists related to the energy industry, political decision-makers and representatives of public administration, local government and local authorities, MPs, senators, representatives of think-tanks and academic circles.

Energy transformation from different points of view

As part of the planned substantive panels, combined with a space for open and informal discussion, participants will have the opportunity to discuss these issues from various perspectives: infrastructure, political, economic, geostrategic, social and communication.

The topics covered will include: development of nuclear energy, construction of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, creation of a hydrogen economy and involvement of local governments in the energy transformation process. These discussions will be set in the context of global economic challenges, European Union policy and current geopolitical conditions.

The entire industry in one place

PowerConnect Energy Summit is the largest energy-related event of its kind in the region, also bringing together related industries supporting the energy sector.

The concept of the project was developed by the Gdańsk International Fair, which planned to create an industry fair, and the Defence24 company, which organized the StratEnergy Summit conference last year, as a derivative of the success of the Energetyka24.com information portal, headed by editor-in-chief Jakub Wiech, an energy expert. .

The aim of combining the conference and the fair is to create the most valuable place for industry networking, which will result in a professional analysis of the current international situation and drawing the most important conclusions from the changes that have taken place in the energy security segment in recent years, as well as presenting innovative solutions in the energy industry and supporting segments. .

The Energetyka24 information service is responsible for preparing the substantive part of the conference.

Modern times are extremely complicated – and it can be terrifying. But the world should not be feared, the world should be understood.

That's why I invite you to the PowerConnect Energy Summit - a unique event that gives deep insight into the complexity of the latest events in Poland, Europe and the world.

Jakub Wiech
Editor-in-chief of Energetyk24, energy expert

Conference agenda

The conference covers key aspects of the energy transformation, economic challenges, political implications and infrastructure development, offering a comprehensive look at the future of energy in Poland and the region.

Meeting agenda for October 11, 2024.
The organizer reserves the right to change selected debates.
Energy transformation
Energy from wind, sun, water
Nuclear energy
Electricity and hydrogen in transport
Energy storage
Alternative fuels
Heat pumps
Energetic efficiency
Smart networks
Technology and digitalization in the energy industry
Energy market, competition and prices
New directions and energy security
Guaranteed access to energy sources


  1. Polish Energy Policy and the Green Deal – how to finance transformation investments in the energy sector? - moderation: Jakub Wiech
  2. Energy transformation vs. dependence on foreign supplies. Which development model should we choose for Poland? – moderation: Karol Byzdra
  3. Energy financing. How to build a Polish model based on other people's experiences? – tbc
  4. Hydrogen: an expensive luxury or the fuel of the future? - tbc
  5. Energy clusters, micro-installations. How to decarbonize yourself? - tbc
  6. Energy storage - how to ensure local and national security - tbc


  1. Baltic Energy Hub - cooperation is the key to the energy security of the Baltic Sea region - tbc
  2. We won't be able to do it without the USA and Asia? About supply chains in the nuclear sector - moderator: Jakub Wiech
  3. Fuels - security of transmission, distribution, storage and processing - tbc
  4. Energy prices and their impact on industry development. Will Europe lose competitiveness? – tbc
  5. Cogeneration, energy storage or maybe SMR? On the decarbonization of industry - Karol Byzdra
  6. The role of Pomerania in Poland's industrial policy – ​​tbc
  7. Electrification of transport – incentives and barriers – tbc
  8. Gas industry without gas. How will gas companies cope with the transformation? – moderation: Kacper Świsłowski


  1. EU energy policy – ​​how to reconcile the West with the East? - tbc
  2. The role of local governments, transformation and energy security. About energy clusters, funds and local investments – tbc
  3. Crisis legislation. How to create law that is friendly to the economy, the environment and the state? Applications for 2022-2023 – tbc
  4. Polish Presidency of the EU Council. Challenges for the region, challenges for the EU – moderator: Aleksander Olech
  5. New United States. What will be the US energy and climate policy and its impact on Europe? – moderation: Alicja Jankowska
  6. The transformation of mining is already underway. What about the future of companies and the potential of the mining sector? – moderation: Kacper Świsłowski
  7. Farewell to BRELL. About the energy market in the Baltic countries – tbc


  1. Transmission networks as vectors of Poland's energy transformation - moderator: Kacper Świsłowski
  2. Atom in industry, science and medicine, or other advantages of nuclear energy - moderation: Alicja Jankowska
  3. Atom stronger than Calibr. Modern safety systems in nuclear power plants - tbc
  4. Risky reconstruction. Security of transmission networks in 2025 - moderation: Jakub Wiech  
  5. Security of energy infrastructure of critical infrastructure and rapid development of investments - moderation: Dr. Jacek Raubo
  6. Windmills are not everything. About the accompanying infrastructure for offshore wind energy - tbc
  7. Polish windmill expansion in the Baltic Sea. Fleet, shipyard and port facilities for the offshore sector - tbc
The organizer of the conference is
Energetyka24 is a Polish information portal specializing in energy issues, which provides current information, analyzes and comments on the broadly understood energy industry. The website focuses on issues related to energy security, energy policy, energy raw materials markets and energy technologies. The portal also offers news on climate policy, renewable energy sources and innovations in the energy sector.

Energetyka24 is one of the leading sources of information in Poland for specialists, decision-makers and people interested in energy issues, providing professional knowledge and analyzes of the situation on the energy market in Poland and around the world. The portal often cooperates with industry experts, think-tanks and research centers, offering readers reliable and in-depth materials on key energy-related topics.

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Joanna Jankowska-Fąs

Project manager
+48 501 350 065

Monika Małkiewicz

Sales coordinator
+48 695 650 717

Oktawian Niemczyk

Sales coordinator
+48 663 707 700

Agnieszka Kuśpiel

Sales coordinator
+48 724 909 028

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