Read the bio Barbara Adamska President of the Management Board Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii
Read the bio Jakub Budzyński President of the Management Board Polska Izba Morskiej Energetyki Wiatrowej
Read the bio dr Marek Głuchowski Legal advisor, Managing Partner Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Głuchowski Siemiątkowski Zwara i Partnerzy
Read the bio Henryk Kaliś President of the Management Board Forum Odbiorców Energii Elektrycznej i Gazu
Read the bio Sławomir Kwaśnik Technical and Commercial Director Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Polska sp. z o.o.
Read the bio Mariusz Sadłowski Deputy Director of the Department of Ecology and Energy, Head of the Energy Department Urząd Miasta Gdańsk
Read the bio Stanisław Szultka Director of the Economic Development Department Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Pomorskiego
Read the bio Jakub Wnuczyński President of the Management Board and Sales Director Baltic Towers Sp. z o.o.