How to arrange meetings in the market application?
Step 1
Log in to your user account
If you already have a ticket for an event, you also have an account with which you can use the market application and the function of arranging meetings in the matchmaking zone.
To log in to the application, click the button below and log in with the data provided when buying the ticket:
After logging in, it is worth completing your profile so that other participants can easier find you on the matchmaking list.
In particular, it will be useful to add a profile photo that will help you recognize yourself before meeting in the matchmaking zone.
To update your information, go to the menu in the right upper corner of the screen:
and then select "my data"
Step 3
Arrange meetings
The application offers the ability to search for users on the list and send them proposals for meetings in the matchmaking zone.
After clicking on the "Meeting Agreements", we can send a meeting time proposal and add a short note. The choice of hours is connected to the calendar of the person we invite you to the meeting, which avoids "collision" with other activities.
After receiving the invitation, we have the opportunity to accept it or reject, as well as submit a proposal to another date.
For better visibility, notifications about meetings are also sent to the e-mail address provided in the profile.
After acceptance, it is enough to appear at a fixed time in the matchmaking zone to get a comfortable place to talk.
The current status of meetings and sent proposals can be viewed in the "My meetings" tab.
Join the market application before the event is started
The application is now available to all people who have bought a ticket. Complete your profile now!